
Athletics Videos and Documents

An article on maturing as an athlete and facing expectations

Hang Power Snatch 100 kg (220 lbs)

Here is a hang snatch that is mostly a power snatch.  I caught it high, but went down to almost parallel.  This is from 2006 and is as low as I have gone to save a snatch in a long time.

Rande’s Hammer History: 2000-2008

My best throws each year from 2000 to 2008. Note that my seasons best (SB) marks improve for four years from 2000 to 2003 until I reach my Masters PR (51.32m).

Complex Training – Snatch + Jump

Video of me preparing for a meet by combining power snatch (90k) and jumping (31 inches). For the last couple of weeks leading to a meet I'll superset pulling or squatting with jumping. this type of superset has also been called complexes. Note that the voice off-camera is my wife offering to give me a slap. Sometimes at meets I'll have someone slap me to get me psyched. Also note the bands and chains on the squat bar.

300# (137 kg) Power Clean and Jerk

Here is my first clean and jerk of 300#. It was done in a meet.